A Healing Guide for Survivors of Rape
Linda Braswell, M.Ed.
How To Recover and Re-claim Your Power
book serves as a knowledgeable guide and empathetic companion to
support the rape victim as she moves toward a more confident future. It
will also enlighten the families, friends, counselors and agency
personnel who work with the survivor, enabling them to respond to her
specific needs.
Softcover, 80 pages, 5 3/8 x 8 3/8
$14.95 ISBN: 0-934793-44-1
Third Edition. Sixth printing.
AUDIOTAPE - Quest For Respect
Linda Braswell
This healing guide is a companion for rape victims. It respects each
person's unique style of healing from the crime of rape or incest.
Album with 2 Cassettes $7.95 ISBN: 0-934793-34-4